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METRO is on a journey towards becoming an anti-racist organisation. As part of this process, METRO is inviting external providers to tender for the design and delivery of race equity training across METRO's staff and volunteers. 

This follows on from initial work, done internally with an external provider, of a listening exercise, desk review, interviews and focus groups to produce an interim report. Delivering these race equity sessions will form phase 2 of the training component of METRO’s ambition to create an anti-racist culture and working practices within the charity. 

This is an invitation to individuals and organisations to submit proposals for the development and delivery of the planned next stage of Race Equity training. Each proposal will be considered on its merits, how it proposes to achieve set outcomes and its ability to meet and anticipate METRO’s requirements and desire to continue to enact a lasting, multi-faceted organisational cultural change. 

The Invitation to Tender document can be found here

Any requests for additional information, clarification or to further discuss any of the points from this invitation to tender process to provide this training can be directed to our Training and Development Manager, Shari Norman [email protected] 

Please email submissions detailing your proposed approach to the delivery of Race Equity training for METRO Charity in writing to: 
[email protected] by 9am Tuesday 11 April 2023. Following submission, a shortlisting process will follow, and it is anticipated that interviews will be held in the week beginning 17 April 2023. Please inform us if you will be unavailable for interview in this week.