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Throughout this week we have seen Prime Minister, Rishi Sunak use his power and platform at the Conservative party conference to mock and undermine our trans, non-binary and gender-diverse communities in the UK.

We are appalled at the ill-considered and offensive language used by the Prime Minister, in-particular during his conference speech to attendees. Language that goes against the fundamental purpose of a responsible government. Our politicians should be striving to create an equitable, well-governed, compassionate and safe society for all citizens within it, not whipping up hatred to scapegoat and misrepresent some of our most vulnerable sections of society.

The comments demonstrate a deliberately poor understanding of gender-diverse communities’ experiences, and repeatedly failed to recognise that intersex people have always existed. They also run counter to the Equality Act 2010 and the Human Rights Act 1998.

While no changes to statutory guidance or national legislation have been implemented yet, the targeted speeches and views showcased at the Conservative Party conference adds fuel to the ongoing discrimination and prejudice towards trans, non-binary and gender-diverse folks. All too often we have seen that this rhetoric does not usually stop at one group, and it is important to counter it clearly, to stand up for what is right and prevent this divisive and discriminatory approach from marginalising more and more communities within our society.

We wholeheartedly condemn the discriminatory behaviour showcased throughout the party conference and in the wider media this week.

To our trans, non-binary and gender-diverse communities: we at METRO Charity see you, we support you, and will always stand with you.

If you have been affected by this weeks news, you can contact one of the following support services:

Gendered Intelligence: 0330 355 9678

Galop: 0800 999 5428

Spectra: 0800 587 8302

Switchboard LGBT+ Helpline: 0300 330 0630

MindOut: 01273 234 839