Playing It Safe - Sexual Health Week 2023 banner

We believe Sexual Health requires a positive and respectful approach to human sexuality and sexual relationship. We embrace the possibility of having pleasurable and safe sexual experiences free of coercion, discrimination, and violence.

It is important to note that for any sexual contact to be considered safe, there must be an agreement and consent between partners involved to reduce the risk of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) with condom use, and to discuss sexual boundaries including expectations.

Our Sexual and Reproductive Health team are embracing this year's theme 'Playing it Safe' by continuing to offer workshops on various relationship and sexual education (RSE) topics to young people in schools and across youth hubs within the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Throughout Sexual Health Week, they will be offering sessions and activities that centre the topics of consent and safe sex, healthy relationships, STI prevention, contraception. 

In a time when young people between the ages of 15- 24 years remain at the highest risk of STIs, it is imperative that they have access to resources and sessions where consent, contraception and comfort are central topics. This will allow young people to make informed sexual health decisions, and explore how they can be 'Playing It Safe'.

Find out more about our sexual and reproductive health services here.


What is Consent? - Consent means an agreement made before every sexual act and it presents the opportunity to discuss risk associated with unsafe sex among all age groups. For young people, it is necessary to understand consent and engage in discussions that promote safe sex with condom use, including setting healthy sexual boundaries, before any sexual act. Consent must be clearly and freely communicated and can be withdrawn at any time.