A pile of colourful folders to represent our policies

Equality and dignity

METRO is an equality and diversity charity committed to promoting equality, combating discrimination and respecting the dignity and independence of our staff, volunteers and services users. We believe that everyone is entitled to be treated with respect, and to be protected from discrimination and harassment. We take care to undertake our work with due regard to individual needs and understand the requirements of the Equality Act 2010. We recognise that discrimination can and does occur on grounds of ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, race, disability, immigration status, religion, poverty, age, class, as well as other differences in experience, belief, legal status and culture.

Discrimination can be direct, indirect, or institutional. Equal treatment is often insufficient to secure equality of opportunity in employment or service provision and positive action can be required to achieve equality of opportunity. Some of our services are targeted at particular communities in need. We have an Equalities and Dignity Policy that underpins all our work.

Our promise to you

We are committed to providing high quality services and the very best standard of customer service and care. Our promise to you covers what you can expect from us and the services we provide, including how we protect and care for your sensitive information.

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Feedback and complaints

You can make a compliment or a complaint about our services using our feedback form.

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