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Ergo Consulting were commissioned by METRO in July 2007 to undertake a review of their services for young lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people (LGBT) and to those young people questioning their sexuality, and to provide baseline evidence of their unmet needs in relation to health, social care, inclusion, family, education, etc. Subsequently, Lambeth PCT contributed to the costs of extending the scope of the research to cover Lambeth, Southwark and Lewisham. 


  • The aims of the research were (in summary) to help:
  • Develop further effective and sustainable work at METRO with young LGBTQ people
  • Evaluate the restructured METRO Youth Service, and embed evaluation within the service
  • Test acceptability and demand for possible and planned services
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the current intake and assessment forms
  • Identify levels of recognition of, and satisfaction with, METRO Youth Services
  • Identify the young LGBTQ environment and the problems and issues faced by this group
  • Benchmark current sexual behaviour and levels of use of specified testing and sexual health services
  • Review understanding of sexual health and HIV risks in this group
  • Detail levels of use and contact with the range of services and facilities specified.

More details

  • Authored by Chris Markham and Peter Scott
  • Edited by Mark Paterson and Greg Ussher
  • Published on 31 October 2008