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This report outlines what we know about the experiences of lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and questioning (LGBTQ) 16-25 year olds in England – as reported by young people themselves. It comes from a five-year groundbreaking research project funded by the Big Lottery Fund and conducted by METRO Charity in collaboration with Ergo Consulting and the University of Greenwich. The project surveyed 7,126 young people aged 16-25, making it the biggest, most representative and robust survey of its kind. The project has also surveyed 29 commissioners of services for young people and 52 relevant service providers across England. Full reports of the survey of 16-25 year olds, survey of commissioners and survey of service providers present comprehensive accounts of methodology, data and findings. Further reports of the follow-up survey of commissioners and follow-up survey of service providers provide information on the impact of the findings on commissioning and delivery of services for LGBTQ young people so far.

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  • Authored by Dan Baker, Patricia Durr and Peter Scott
  • Edited by Greg Ussher, Elizabeth West, Elana Covshoff, David Naylor and Chris Markham
  • Published on 10 November 2016