Two young people wearing METRO youth t-shirts after Pride in London

About this service

METRO Shine is a group for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, non-binary, queer and questioning young people in Greenwich and Bexley. We meet in Greenwich every week.

It's a safe space to meet other LGBTQ+ young people, get support and have fun. We usually have snacks and hang out together. Sometimes we talk about identity, relationships and wellbeing. Every Christmas we have a party with dancing and live performances. We also go to the cinema, Pride in London and UK Black Pride.

Who can use this service

You need to be aged between 16 and 25 and live in Greenwich or Bexley. You also need to identify as LGBTQ+ or be questioning your sexuality or gender identity. All our youth groups are free and confidential.

Join this group

Email [email protected] or call 020 8305 5004. You can refer yourself or be referred by someone who works with you (like a teacher or youth worker).

We'll get back to you in 2-3 days. We'll arrange a quick chat to find out more about you and how we can help. After you're signed up, you can drop into any session. You don't have to come every week if you don't want to.

Email us